• 1.
      In a town of 10,000 families, it was found that 40% families buy newspaper A, 20% buy newspaper B and 10% buy newspaper C. 5% families buy A and B, 3% buy B and C, and 4% buy A and C. If 2% families buy all the newspapers, find the number of families which buy (i) A only (ii) none of A, B, and C.

  • 3300, 3000
  • 3300, 4000
  • 3000, 3300
  • 4000, 3300

  • 2.
      There are 20 students in a chemistry class and 30 students in a physics class. Find the number of students which are either in physics class or chemistry class in the following cases: (i) two classes meet at the same hour (ii) the two classes meet at different hours and students are enrolled in both the courses.

  • 50, 40
  • 51, 41
  • 40, 50
  • 41, 51

  • 3.
      3). In a survey of 100 student, the number of student studying the various languages were found to be: English only 18, English but not Hindi 23, English and Sanskrit 8, English 26, Sanskrit 48, Sanskrit and Hindi 8, no language 24. Find (i)How many student were studying Hindi? (ii)π»π‘œw π‘šπ‘Žπ‘›π‘¦ 𝑠𝑑𝑒𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑠 wπ‘’π‘Ÿπ‘’ 𝑠𝑑𝑒𝑑𝑦i𝑛𝑔 𝐸𝑛𝑔𝑙i𝑠 β„Žπ‘Žπ‘›π‘‘ 𝐻i𝑛𝑑i ?

  • 3, 18
  • 18, 3
  • 30, 18
  • 18, 30

  • 4.
      A college awarded 38 medals in football, 15 in basketball and 20 in cricket. If these medals went to a total of 58 men and only three men got medals in all the three sports, how many received medals in exactly two of the three sports ?

  • 19
  • 9
  • 90
  • 91

  • 5.
      In a survey of 400 students in a school, 100 were listed as drinking apple juice, 150 as drinking orange juice and 75 were listed as both drinking apple as well as orange juice. Find how many students were drinking neither apple juice nor orange juice.

  • 125
  • 120
  • 225
  • 22

  • 6.
      6). A market research group conducted a survey of 1000 consumers and reported that 720 consumers liked product A and 450 consumers liked product B. What is the least number that must have liked both products ?

  • 170
  • 107
  • 117
  • 17

  • 7.
      A survey of 500 television watchers produced following information; 285 watch football, 195 watch hockey, 115 watch basket ball, 45 watch foot-ball and basket-ball, 70 watch foot-balls and hockey, 50 watch hockey and basket-ball, 50 do not watch any of the three games. How many watch all the games? How many watch exactly one of the games?

  • 20, 325
  • 203, 25
  • 20, 25
  • 25, 20

  • 8.
      There are 210 members in a club, 100 of them drink tea and 65 drink tea but not coffee i. How many drink coffee? ii.How many drink coffee but not tea?

  • 110, 45
  • 145, 110
  • 405, 5
  • 45, 50

  • 9.
      A and B be two sets containing 12 and 27 distinct elements respectively. What can be the minimum number of elements in A U B? Find also the maximum number of elements in A U B.

  • 27, 39
  • 20, 30
  • 28, 40
  • 21, 31

  • 10.
      A survey shows that 63% of the Indians like cheese where as 76% like apples. If x % of the Indians like both cheese and apples, the value of x is between.

  • 63, 39
  • 39, 63
  • 30, 60
  • 36, 93

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