• 1.
      Which of the following pairs are logically equivalent?

  • Conditional, Contrapositive
  • Conditional, Inverse
  • Contrapositive, Converse
  • Inverse, Contrapositive

  • 2.
      Which of the following is contingency?

  • p v ~p
  • p ^ q => p v q
  • p ^ ~q
  • None of these

  • 3.
      The statement p v q is

  • A tautology
  • A contradiction
  • contingency
  • None of these

  • 4.
      Which of the following is a tautology?

  • p ^ q
  • p v q
  • p v ~p
  • p ^ ~p

  • 5.
      the statement p => p v q is

  • A tautology
  • A contradiction
  • both a tautology and contradiction
  • neither a tautology nor a contradiction

  • 6.
      If truth value of p v q is true , then truth value of ~p ^ q is

  • false if p is true
  • true if p is true
  • false if q is true
  • true if q is true

  • 7.
      The contrapositive of the statement ~p=> (p ^ ~q) is

  • p=>(~p v q)
  • p=>(p ^ q)
  • p=> (~p ^ q)
  • ~p v q => p

  • 8.
      If p always speaks against q, then p=>p v~q is

  • a tautology
  • a contradictin
  • contingency
  • None of these

  • 9.
      When does the value of the statement (p ^ r)<=>(r ^ q) become false?

  • p is T, q is F
  • p is T, r is F
  • p is F, q is F and r is F
  • None of these

  • 10.
      Which of the following connectives satisfy commutative law?

  • ^
  • v
  • <=>
  • All of the above

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