• 1.
      Two finite sets have m and n elements. The total number of subsets of the first set is 56 more than the total number of subsets of the second set. The values of m and n are:

  • m=7, n=6
  • m=6, n=3
  • m=5, n=1
  • m=8, n=7

  • 2.
      Let A and B be two non-empty subsets of a set X such that A is not a subset of B. Then,

  • A is a subset of complement of B
  • B is a subset of A
  • A and B are disjoint
  • A and the complement of B is non-disjoint.

  • 3.
      Out of 800 boys in a school 224 played cricket, 240 played hockey and 336 played basketball. Of the total, 64 played both basketball and hockey; 80 played cricket and basketball and 40 played cricket and hockey; 24 played all the three games. The number of boys who did not play any game is

  • 160
  • 240
  • 216
  • 128

  • 4.
      From 50 students taking examinations in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, 37 passed Mathematics, 24 physics and 43 Chemistry. At most 19 passed mathematics and Physics, at most 29 passed Mathematics and Chemistry and at most 20 passed Physics and Chemistry. The largest possible number that could have passed all three examinations is

  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14

  • 5.
      In a Class of 35 students, 17 have taken Mathematics, 10 have taken Mathematics but not Economics. If each student has taken either Mathematics or Economics or both, then the number of students who have taken Economics but not Mathematics is

  • 7
  • 25
  • 18
  • 32

  • 6.
      In a city 20% of the population travels by car, 50% travels by bus and 10% travels by both car and bus. Then, persons travelling by car or bus are

  • 80%
  • 40%
  • 60%
  • 70%

  • 7.
      An investigator interviewed 100 students to determine the performance of three drinks: Milk, coffee and tea. The investigator reported that 10 students take all three drinks milk, coffee, and tea; 20 students take milk and coffee; 25 students take milk and tea; 30 students take coffee and tea; 12 students take milk only; 5 students take coffee only and 8 students take tea only. Then the number of students who did not take any of three drinks is

  • 10
  • 20
  • 25
  • 30

  • 8.
      Two finite sets have m and n elements. The number of elements in the power set of first set is 48 more than the total number of elements in power set of the second set. Then, the values of m and n are:

  • 7, 6
  • 6, 3
  • 6, 4
  • 7, 4

  • 9.
      In a class of 175 students the following data shows the number of students opting one or more subjects. Mathematics 100, Physics 70; Chemistry 40, Mathematics and Physics 30; Mathematics and Chemistry 28; physics and Chemistry 23; Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry 18. How many students have offered mathematics alone?

  • 35
  • 48
  • 60
  • 22

  • 10.
      In a certain town 25% families own a cell phone, 15% families own a scooter and 65% families own neither a cell phone nor a scooter. If 500 families own both a cell phone and a scooter, then the total number of families in the town is

  • 10000
  • 20000
  • 30000
  • 40000

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