• 1.

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D

  • 2.

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D

  • 3.
      In an single throw of two dice find the probability of total of 9 or 10.

  • 5/36
  • 6/36
  • 7/36
  • 8/36

  • 4.
      In an single throw of two dice, Find Probability Of getting a total of 9 or 11.

  • 1/3
  • 1/4
  • 1/5
  • 1/6

  • 5.
      5. Evaluate P(AUB), if 2P(A)=2(B)=5/13 and P(A/B)=2/5

  • 11/26
  • 11/25
  • 12/26
  • 12/25

  • 6.
      6. A die thrown three times E: 4 appears on third toss. F: 6 and 5 respectively appeared on first two tosses Determine P(E/F)

  • 2/6
  • 4/6
  • 1/6
  • 3/6

  • 7.
      7. A couple has two children find the prob. That both children are males, if it is known that i) at least one of children is male. ii) the elder child is male

  • 1/3;1/2
  • ½;1/3
  • 2/3;1/2
  • 1/3;2/2

  • 8.
      8. For two events A and B let i) P (A) =0.4 and P (B) =P and P(AUB)=0.6 i) Find P so that A and B are independent events. ii) Find P so that A and B are mutually exclusive.

  • 1/5;1/3
  • ¼;1/5
  • 1/3;1/5
  • 1/4;1/3

  • 9.
      9. Events A and B are S.t P(A)=1/2 P(B)= 7/12 and P( not A or not B)= ¼ State whether A and B are independent.

  • Yes
  • No
  • Can't Say
  • Wrong Data

  • 10.
      10. If a leap year is selected at random, what is chance it will contain 53 Tuesday.

  • 1/7
  • 2/7
  • 3/7
  • None

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