• 1.
      In a single throw of three dice determine the probability of getting (i) a total of 5 (ii) a total of atmost 5 (iii) a total of atleast 5

  • 1/36;5/108;53/54
  • 1/35;6/108;52/54
  • 1/34;7/108;51/54
  • None

  • 2.
      A committee of 4 students is selected at random from a group consisting of 8 boys and 4 girls. Given that there is atleast one girl in committee, calculate the prob. That there are exactly 2 girls in the committee.

  • 178/425
  • 168/425
  • 158/425
  • None

  • 3.
      If P(A)=5/7 , P(B)=3/7 and P (AUB)=6/7 then find (i) P (𝑨⋂𝑩)and (ii) P (B/A)

  • 2/8;2/7
  • 2/7;2/5
  • 2/5;2/7
  • 2/7;2/8

  • 4.
      in a school, there are 1000 students, out of which 430 are girls, it is known that out of 430, 10% of girls study in class XII what is prob that a student choosen randomly studies in class XII, Given that choosen student is a girl?

  • 0.1
  • 0.2
  • 0.3
  • 0.4

  • 5.
      A dice is thrown three times, Events A and B are defined as below: A:- 4 on the third throw B:- 6 on the first and 5 on the second throw Find the prob of A given that B already occurred.

  • 3/6
  • 2/6
  • 1/6
  • 4/6

  • 6.
      A Dice is thrown twice and sum of the numbers appearing is obtained to be 6. What is the conditional probability that the no. 4 has appeared at least once?

  • 1/5
  • 2/5
  • 3/5
  • 4/5

  • 7.
      Given that two numbers app. on throwing two dice are diff. Find the prob of the event β€œthe sum of numbers on dice is 4.

  • 1/15
  • 3/15
  • 6/15
  • 9/15

  • 8.
      An instructor has a question bank of 300 easy T/F questions 200 difficult T/F questions, 500 easy MCQ and 400 diffi MCQ. If a question is selected at random from the question bank, what is the prob. That it will be an easy question given that it is MCQ.

  • 3/9
  • 5/9
  • 7/9
  • 9/9

  • 9.
      If P(A) =1/2 P(B)=0, then P(A/B)=

  • 0
  • 1/2
  • Not defined
  • 1

  • 10.
      A and B are events S.t P(A/B)=P(B/A) then

  • AβŠ‚B but Aβ‰  𝑩
  • A=B
  • 𝑨⋂𝑩 = 𝝓
  • P(A)=P(B)

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Note: How to solve these questions? Please check this video!