• 1.
      How many words, with or without meaning, can be formed using all the letters of the word EQUATION, using each letter exactly once?

  • 40320
  • 30210
  • 20100
  • 10000

  • 2.
      There are 6 items in column A and 6 items in column B. A student is asked to match each item in column A with an item in column B. How many possible answers (correct or incorrect) are there to the question?

  • 420
  • 520
  • 620
  • 720

  • 3.
      From a committee of 8 persons, in how many ways can we choose a chairman and vice chairman assuming one person cannot hold more than one position?

  • 46
  • 56
  • 66
  • 76

  • 4.
      How many different 5-letters words can be formed out of the letters of the word ‘DELHI’? How many of these will begin with D and end with E?

  • 120 ; 5
  • 120 ; 4
  • 120 ; 6
  • 125 ; 3

  • 5.
      The letter of the Word TUESDAY are arranged in a line, each arrangement ending with letter S. How many different arrangements are possible? How many of them start with letter D?

  • 720 ; 60
  • 720 ; 120
  • 720 ; 180
  • 1420 ; 240

  • 6.
      Find the number of different 8-letters words formed from the letters of the word TRIANGLE if each word to have T and E at the end places.

  • 1140
  • 1240
  • 1340
  • 1440

  • 7.
      Find the number of different 8-letters words formed from the letters of the word EQUATION, if each word is to start with a vowel.

  • 21200
  • 25200
  • 29200
  • 32200

  • 8.
      In how many ways can 6 boys and 5 girls be arranged for a group photograph if the girls are to sit on chairs in a row and the boys are to stand, in row, behind them?

  • 83400
  • 86400
  • 89400
  • 91400

  • 9.
      Find the number of different 8 letter words formed form the letters of the word TRIANGLE if each word is to have vowels occupying the second, third and fourth places.

  • 720
  • 820
  • 920
  • 1120

  • 10.
      In how many ways can 4 boys and 3 girls be seated in a row of 7 chairs if boys and girls alternate?

  • 141
  • 142
  • 143
  • 144

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